The company is having serious trouble managing all of these misplaced commas. When the date appears in the middle of a sentence, commas should appear both before and after the year. Commas can be used after informal salutations that include an adjective such as "Dear." The trick is that you have to decide if your message is formal or informal. You usually put a comma before and when it's connecting two independent clauses. The word but isn't the only conjunction that gets a comma before it when it joins two independent clauses. . The position of a comma can often reflect the sense in which the word is being used. I used to be a werewolf, but I'm much better naaaoowwwwwww! If there is a . Answer (1 of 12): It depends on the context and the meaning. a. A comma is also placed between each item. Commas are needed before coordinating conjunctions, after dependent clauses (when they precede independent clauses), and to set off appositives. ; Oxford commas are also known as serial or Harvard commas. gives a clear rule/suggestion about the usage of comma after the transition words/phrases at the beginning of a sentence.. one should use commas after their transition word or phrase that starts a new sentence.. Commas: Examples and Definition She was born in San Diego, California, in 1980. The following examples show how the Oxford comma can affect meaning, using the defining phrase 'for stockfeed'. Commas That Are, Indeed, Useful. After introductory verbal phrases, some appositive phrases, or absolute phrases. Perhaps you have included a list or coordinate adjectives. A coordinating conjunction is used to connect words, phrases, and clauses. B) Do not use a comma after the state if you use the two letter abbreviated (shortened) version of the state. It takes a little practice. "Therefore" should always be followed up with a comma. The one and only time where a comma works after "Instead" is when we introduce a sentence . It depends. If it's being used as a discourse marker, then go ahead and use a comma. (Gregg 182) 4B AN EXPLANATION The rest of the sentence comes after the second comma. Formally speaking, there must always be a comma following all of these: namely. This is because there is a natural pause after "therefore" when it is included in a sentence. Using a Comma after a Fronted Adjective Phrase or Clause. In the following example, commas are used to set off the by phrase because the phrase is not integral to the meaning of the sentence:. The store closed its doors for good on Wednesday, October 15, 1958. The meaning of thereafter is after that. There are some circumstances that a comma should be used after then: "It is good, then, that you wish to learn more." But your examples aren't such circumstances. A) Use a comma after the state if you spell out the name of the state. However, it's normally not necessary to use a comma if the independent clause comes first: Please call me if you can't make it. Correct: Because/Since the city's government has curtailed . Commonsense Grammar And Style By Phillip S. Sparks. Note that this is an exception to the general rule that a semicolon is always followed by an independent clause. A defining phrase is essential to the meaning of the sentence. Here are a couple of examples: "Someday, I'd like to go on a cruise." This is incorrect. If a sentence includes additional or extraneous information, it should be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas (before and after). To follow comma rules, you should probably become familiar with them first. Do not place a comma after Then. (In this example, the conjunction "and" is not joining two independent clauses. Is there a comma after a name before JR? This means use a comma after a participial phrase, an absolute phrase, an infinitive phrase, and a prepositional phrase. It seems illogical to put a comma at the end, just because one's in the habit of doing so for adjective-based salutations. When the date appears in the middle of a sentence, commas should appear both before and after the year. More Examples of Commas Before Conjunctions. However, as you have already included a comma before the "and" a comma here is unnecessary (and even ugly). In the example above, the adverb ("psychologically") modifies a single word ("tortured"), so no comma is required. Rule: If the dependent clause comes first, you should use a comma. Nonrestrictive (nonessential clauses . But Wait . However, they are followed by commas too. This is because it might seem that there is a pause there. Example: My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. With longer introductory phrases that set the stage for the main part of the sentence, it's generally best to use a comma, especially if the phrase is more . We'll show you how to use conjunctions, clauses, relative pronouns, and the proper way to use a comma after "and" with our comma cheat sheet. Commas almost always follow phrases at the beginning of sentences; use the comma to separate the phrase from the independent clause. If you remove the phrase, the meaning is the same: Life after Life won several book awards.. NOTE: Do not use a comma if the order is reversed (the independent clause comes before the dependent clause), except for cases of extreme contrast. "if' clause is usually a dependent clause. If the appositive is essential to the meaning of the phrase then we don't have commas, i.e. It will always have . In colloquial English, the 'then' isn't nece. Whether or not you put a comma before and depends on how you're using and.There's no single rule that applies to all situations. Examples. It's often used to identify one thing amongst a larger set. Because I was late, I had to sit in the back. Then, regarding email, it bugs me to put a comma after "Hi Freddy," as I think it should be "Hi, Freddy." -period. When an introductory prepositional phrase is very short (less than four words), the comma is usually optional. Once you know the rules, you can make the correct decision every time. Follow "therefore" with a comma. When do you use a comma before or after but? For example, you can insert commas in mid-sentence to interrupt the sentence flow, introduce an aside, or add emphasis. In addition, they should be preceded by a punctuation mark, though not necessarily a comma. But if the phrase is longer than four words, use a comma. The punctuation with an interrupter is meant to offset it from the rest of the sentence. "If, then" statements require commas to separate the two clauses that result. If you are being absolutely, technically correct, a comma should be used to separate two clauses when the clause begun by the subordinating conjunction comes first. while, before, after, as soon as, until (Murphy 25A-C) Includes examples but no descriptive grammar terms. 5. In short, we usually don't use commas before or after regular adverbs modifying verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. A comma is placed after it. For example, when "and" is followed by a phrase beginning with a preposition, such as "for example" or "as you will see", you might think to add a comma after the "and". Dec 19 2008 07:34:42. It's almost always optional to put a comma before and in a list.. Comma Before And in Lists. When to Use Commas After Introductory Prepositional Phrases. I'd need to see a sample sentence before I could offer any opinions about commas after "and"s. Second, using the serial comma - a comma before "and" or "or" in a series of three or more items (a . in Example 2 if we remove "Manuel Picon" we don't know which former French President we're talking about. The comma should be placed after the first clause and before the coordinating . When "then" refers to a point in time, you should not put a comma before it. If this is the case, you will need to add a comma or two; however, it's unlikely that the comma will appear after the word but . This is Albert Adams's job title. In the example above, the adverb ("psychologically") modifies a single word ("tortured"), so no comma is required. conjuction vs. preposition - In scientific, mathematic and linguistic descriptions, the word conjunction expresses AND, a Boolean term which means "the union or overlap of the two fields. May be that is the reason a comma is used there.
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